Sunnyhill Unitarian Universalist
Select sermons from The Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills, known as "Sunnyhill". Sunnyhill is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rev. Jim Magaw serves as minister. This podcast is brought to you by Mike Gravitt and Jen McGlothin. Visit our website: www.sunnyhill.org.
Podcasting since 2024 • 12 episodes
Sunnyhill Unitarian Universalist
Latest Episodes
Religion, Ritual and Belief
Participating in rituals–religious and other rituals–seems to be a deep and meaningful part of being human. Humans of every era and geographical location have developed rituals, which serve any number of purposes. This service will explore why ...
A Container for Change
A Container for ChangeOne of the ways of conceptualizing covenant is as a container for change–a kind of life laboratory that provides space for trying new ways of ...
The Branch Will Not Break
This sermon will explore such questions as: How do we find what we are meant to do, both as individuals and as members of a religious community? And once we have found those things that are most important, how do we go about doing them with joy...